The site...two years after!
The first year of the site proved to be so captivating for me that during this time, without realising it, I somewhat neglected my collection. When the moment came to again start my exchanges with my correspondents, I noticed that no press article had been added for several months in my binders! I am astonished to find myself devoting as many hours to a technology that I felt anxious with and that discouraged me. One has to believe that with a passion, we are able to surpass ourselves in overcoming the difficulties, because now, I set almost all my updates without assistance. Through this site, I discover this very new pleasure for me, to share with the Net surfers. The site progresses and the files which I assemble find their way onto it…The idea of the drawings is taken up again in other sites. The area for the magazine covers is found in the English Anthology and in the Concert Program, without however the source quoted. As from the moment when the Canadian tour is announced, the number of visitors increases considerably. After having doubled and tripled, it quadruples. Several will email me to say that lately, they visited it daily and that they were amazed by the newly added quantity of information. Others will tell me having bought their tickets through it. During my long stay in Europe in the summer of 2006, I have had the chance to meet my contacts, all Nana fans, who became real friends. Each one has his story and a quite personal way to collect memorabilia. They also form an essential source to get information and find new ideas. Nothing is better to understand the mystery of the fascination which is exerted between an artist and her public. I take the opportunity to introduce them…Dieter, well organized Webmaster and man of great generosity. Helga, assiduous visitor, always available to help me. Simone, drawer with the creative spirit and sensitive to the details. Louis, press archivist par excellence. Denis, diplomat and good communicator. During the autumn, after having transferred several of my videos onto DVD, I take the necessary shots to illustrate the TV Appearances. Until then, they were classified by a five year old section. In order to speed up the opening of the photos, I created a different page for each year. This important increase in files leads me to revise the vocation of the section MEDIAS. Henceforth, it will shine the spotlight on communication mediums, the electronic Press, TVs and covers of magazines. With the other documents which comprised it, I work out the heading TOPICALITIES where it will be possible to read the latest news. The arrival of 2007 imposes a Home Page change. As I had launched the site by underlining the 40th anniversary of Nana’s first visit to Montreal, I told myself that it was necessary to do the same for her first solo tour which took place in our country. So I took up again my research to find again all the press articles. The task required much meticulousness for the restoration, because the microfilms of the period preceding the World's Fair are worked over a lot. I started to work on it months in advance and devoted between 40 and 50 hours per week so that all is ready in time.
I finalize the file by adding an animation to establish the link between 2007 and 1967 with musical introduction to relive the atmosphere from that time. To carry it out, I had to call on my technician who showed an exemplary patience. He did not hesitate to start again until it was exactly as I wanted it. A first test for this of which I was very pleased with has been appreciated by my visitors. 1967 was an outstanding year for Quebec and a turning point in Nana’s career, I thought of drawing a parallel between the two. So, a second detailed page will follow for the foreigners who are not familiar with the history from here and those who do not read French. Thank you for the regular visits to my website, from friends as well as occasional visitors. Do not hesitate to leave your comments; I ensure you that it is a comfort for the one who finds himself often alone in front of his computer to build, develop and enrich with texts a site dedicated to a great artist. |