The site...five years later!


I often wonder what I could modify or add so that my site reaches more people. So, on my visitors’ request, I created a link where we can learn about the last additions, without surfing the whole site each time. The column WHAT' S NEW? has certainly been useful, because my French page, in particular, had a surprising queue period during all the 2007 European Tour. No doubt also because I daily updated the information regarding this tour.

For me, building a site, it is much more than sharing a collection. Before I put something on line, I believe it is important to deepen the reflexion. Then, the writing is essential and guides me in the evolution of my site. Firstly I wanted to underline the first two visits of Nana and to establish a parallel with the internationalization of Quebec. It remained to create AMONG THE QUEBECERS which shows the relation between Nana and the personalities from here. This new page was born at the beginning of 2008, and about the emails I received, it is one of the favorites.

During my stay in Athens, in July 2008, I had the opportunity to meet many fans who travelled to see Nana’s concert. I have been touched to learn that most of them visit me regularly. It encourages me to carry on the same way. I was also pleased to meet my collaborators and friends: Christian, Helga and Luciano.

Christian is following Nana’s career for more than 40 years. Thanks to his generosity and his talent, the site got the most beautiful reports on line of the Farewell World Tour. This first meeting was touching although much too short. A few days before my arrival at the hotel, he left me a short note to arrange a meeting place.
Helga is a very appreciated friend. She’s not only impassioned for Nana, but she’s also concerned about me and she’s always ready to help me. Without her, my German page would not be the same. Thank you for your patience, Helga. It was a joy to meet you again and to spend a few days in your company.
Luciano is Nana’s Pianist and Band Leader. The day when we met, he promised me to visit my site and to email me. He did it and since then a nice friendship is developed. Thank you Luciano for your sincerity, your courtesy, your availability and your consideration. I only have one regret; not having known you earlier.

The same year, just before the closing down of the MSN Groups, I transferred my forum on Multiply where it became a blog. Those who register can create their own page while adding to it photos, videos and messages. And so that my site get a maximum security during my absences and be safe from possible breakdowns and virus, I called on a commercial hosting. Thanks to this service, I can know the rush hours and especially identify the origin of my visitors. The Canadians are the most constant, followed by the Dutch and the French. There is also a lot of German, American, English, Greek and Mexican fans.

At the beginning of 2009, I put on line NEW-FRANCE 1969, a press file which relates the itinerary of the second Canadian tour of Nana. The TV Apparences section is finally complete and is spread over 45 years (1965-2009). Through it, we can see how Quebec TV viewers discovered Nana beyond her songs. It’s the file that required the most time and that was the most complex to set up: research about all these years in order to find the broadcasting dates, the video viewing, the choice of captures, the reports and the full text translation. I work on it since summer 2002. In my opinion, it’s the most successful of all for its precision.

During 2010, two pages will be consecrated on the year 1970. There will be the one covering Nana’s third tour in our homeland and the one where I talk about my childhood memories. Each one is treated in a different way. Nana always remains the main subject, whenever I describe the historical context of that time or the text takes a little autobiographical turn.

I begin presently my sixth year on the Web. Sometimes, I wonder if I will continue a long time yet devoting myself to this production. In addition to update what is already in place, it’s necessary to make constant research to find the news. The writing of the texts is also very laborious, especially that it’s carried out in four languages. But it makes my work more personal and allows me to give the desired orientation to it. My site has an origin. It also has an accent, the one from Quebec. I have a lot of pleasure from doing it. And it’s the most important.